Crypto Scam Report

Reported by : roleiland, 25/01/2021

Votes: 10

Scam description
Unfortnunally I didnt see this webpage the first time I search for the site. Moreover, it seemed to be secured according to other sites like I got a similar situation to the case: A girl in happd add me and convince me to invest in IFXC. She said she had and uncle which could provide first line information about the investment, and convince me to invest in this place, and other place called: After a while, I didnt want to invest more money, but she pushed me to invest more, by sending me 5k Euros, and tell me to retun when I could. She argued that this will help her to safe fees. Finally she asked more money due a finatial problem she had. But at this stage, everything was already too strange (why a person with such huge portfolios would ask for a small amount?), so I was very worried about the situation and I refuse to transfered, and told her about the scam, then she blocked me. I would like to share the phone number of this scammer: +447828852832 I hope nobody else gets scammed, and hopelully the phone helps to get she/he.
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