Crypto Scam Report

Reported by : zeroplus, 09/07/2021

Votes: 2 - Ponzi Scheme

Scam description
Website: Archive: Bitcointalk thread: Archived: What happened: A brand new user promoting Ponzi Scheme behind of exchange list. During the browse Trading section, discover brand new users make a suggestion thread for exchange. He has suggested the 9 best cryptocurrency exchange and investment platform where Binance is #9 and RoiCapital is #1. Once I visit the number one site then discover that is a Ponzi Scheme where the daily return is 5%. Then I realized that OP just trying to promote that Ponzi Scheme and thats the reason he creates a brand new account here. Please dont follow his suggestions and dont lose your funds. Dont be greedy and dont trust this suggestion.
Scammer type
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