Crypto Scam Report

Reported by : Jane, 20/03/2022

Votes: 2 - Justin Bennett is a SCAM!

Scam description
Justin Bennett used to run a similar website and forum called Daily Price Action. Here he took up to $300 for member access, with promises of daily updates, interaction and help. About 6 months ago he vanished. Completely abandoning the site and the 4,000+ users. Links are now dead and the site left unmaintained/managed. He just walked away. I presume once the hosting fees end it will simply disappear. I now see hes side stepped into Crypto and is selling the same snake oil content once again. No doubt he will do the same for these poor suckers. Save yourself the financial cost, the embarrassment, and avoid. You might as well flush your money down the drain.
Scammer type
Crypto Blogger
Scammer's link
Scammer's Photo
Daily Price Action
Daily Price Action
Justin Bennett - Scammer
Justin Bennett - Scammer

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